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Phased Launch Support for Pharmaceutical Product

Our client partner was launching a product that can help cancer patients stay on course with chemotherapy and radiation by managing a treatment-related side effect. As the product was an acquisition and would be quickly ready for distribution, the timeline for developing support materials was short—and budget was limited.

After discussing options with the client, we took a two-phased approach to developing a package of launch materials. Phase one strategy was to quickly get support materials in the hands of the sales representatives so they could share the key product messages and safety information with physicians. A product landing page and sell sheet covered both digital and print requirements. Phase two strategy expanded on the product messaging to include more in-depth clinical data as well as step-by-step dosing, ordering, and copay support. A detailed core visual aid and full website for both healthcare providers and patients achieved these goals.

For this launch, efficiency was everything. By working closely with the client to ensure adherence to strategy, timeline, and budget, we helped them develop the appropriate set of campaign materials to support this very important product.

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